Airfare Allowance & Details - Sponsored Hires

We will make every effort to arrange your travel by the most direct route based on a one-way economy airfare ticket. This applies for each employee and each authorized residing dependent, from your designated Home of Record to Amman.  All new faculty will be scheduled to arrive on the same day, and whenever possible, on the same flight. Kindly note, that once the air ticket(s) is booked by ACS, changes are subject to penalty at your cost.

We recognize that due to family and personal obligations, faculty members may be traveling from a location other than the designated home of record. In this case, we ask that you work closely with the HR Office to find the most appropriate travel arrangements. You may be responsible for a difference in cost, if applicable.  You will make your own travel arrangements, within ACS established parameters to include specific flights and/or a specified arrival time. You will be reimbursed the average of two to three quotations, which will be picked by the Business Office on the basis of online tickets & beyond the gateway.

The Human Resources office will provide you with your airfare calculation when applicable, and additional flight/travel information closer to the time.