Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions

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Q: What is provided in the house/apartment?

The apartments have basic furniture including a basic TV set. We do not provide lamps unless they are provided by the landlord. We lease furnished apartments and they are all different depending on the landlord's taste. We do provide basic kitchen things.

Q: Should we plan on bringing linens?

For your convenience, we provide a new set of bed linens upon arrival. Having said that, we do not recommend that you buy your linen ahead of time, as none of the beds are standard sizes. Linen is available here in Jordan at a wide range of prices.

Q: When is housing allocated?

We work on finding and allocating apartments up until mid-July.

For more specific details, please download the following ACS Housing Guide.

Q: Will I be provided with a car?

Sponsored hires will be provided with a school leased vehicle, a Toyota Corolla against a monthly rental fee of USD$360.

Q: Are scooters popular in Amman? If so, what do we need to ride one and how much does one cost?

Scooters are not common here. Roads are very congested in Amman so driving a scooter is not advisable as it would be considerably dangerous.

Q: Will I be provided a mobile phone?

Upon arrival, sponsored hires will be provided with a temporary Jordanian chip (per family) that should work with most unlocked smartphones. You will need to bring your own phone that you wish to use.

Q: Does ACS provide computers?

You will be issued a computer and will need to use the staff-issued computer while at school.  

Q: Will broadband internet access be available in our apartments?  

High-speed internet is provided in ACS housing. 

Q: Would it be difficult for ACS to find pet-friendly housing for us?

Pets are not a problem here, either owning them or importing them. Staff do have pets. However, for cultural reasons, pets are generally not tolerated in Jordan, and many apartment regulations state no pets are allowed.

Q: Is there a veterinary doctor available in Jordan?

Good quality veterinary services are available, although boarding facilities are very limited and expensive. There is also an Animal Humane Center which is like a pet hospital.

Q: Is there a pet store or vet that grooms dogs (cuts hair, nails, etc.)

Yes, this is available and can also be done at the Animal Humane Center

Q: Is walking your dog frowned upon in Amman?

People are accustomed to seeing dogs being walked on the streets by their owners so it is not frowned upon. However, there aren’t too many parks in Jordan, and the few parks that we do have do not allow dogs to enter.

Q: Would it be difficult to hire a maid if we had a dog?

No, but it is advised that you let your maid know that you have a dog before hiring her.

Q: If I have a dog and have visitors to my home what do I need to know?

Depending on who is coming over, it would be respectful to ask if they are comfortable with having a dog present. If they are not comfortable in the home with a dog, it would be helpful to put your dog away during the visit.

Q: Is it possible to have a neighbor or a maid care for our pet over the summer?

This is definitely possible and would have to be arranged directly with your maid or neighbor.

Q: What is the shipping allowance?

Relocation allowance: Overseas hired personnel are entitled to a relocation/shipping allowance of US$2,000 for shipping household goods ($3,000 per teaching couple, $500 for up to two dependents) to Amman, and the same amount for shipping personal effects when leaving Amman. The school will pay up to US $500.00 only in customs fees. The shipping allowance is increased by 10% upon departure for each year after the initial 2-year contract at ACS. 

Q: Can you give us some shipping options?

Depending on how much you have, excess baggage can be expensive. Other options are to ship as unaccompanied baggage or you could ship by sea which is more economical than by air for a big shipment.

Q: Is there anything else I should be aware of when shipping my belongings?

For more detailed information, please visit the Shipping page.

Q: Are there gyms and fitness classes available in Jordan?

You will find several options for gyms and fitness classes in Jordan. You can also play sports, work out in the fitness gym or enjoy a few laps in the 25-meter swimming pool...right on campus

Q: Is there a tennis court on campus?

The ACS tennis court is in an enclosed area on the rooftop of the gym and has a hard surface that was recently resurfaced, and covered.

Q: When do you need a copy of our passports? 

A copy of your passport is due within 2 weeks of signing and returning your binding offer of employment.

Please refer to the Hiring Documents - Sponsored Hires page for complete information about the necessary documents and when they are due.

Q: Do we need to bring any original documents with us when we come to ACS?

Scanned copies that you upload in the Hiring Documents section would suffice.

Q: When do current staff who are leaving ACS begin advertising items for sale? Where will items for sale be posted?

Typically, staff start advertising their items for sale around April.

We have a Classifieds ( email address that staff members use to advertise on. Similarly, there is an ACS Amman Staff closed group on Facebook where staff post items for sale.

Q: When does insurance coverage begins?

Insurance takes effect on August 1. Documentation will be sent a week prior to that.

Q: Do we have to provide any documentation from our current medical provider? 

You will need to send us a Certificate of Continuous Coverage (C. C. C.) from your current provider. Please visit the Medical Insurance - Sponsored Hires page for more complete details.

For more specific details, visit our Medical Insurance page.

Q: Do you have anything in place for those of us requiring childcare during orientation? Or any suggestions if nothing formal is in place?

We try to have childcare options during orientation. We are also flexible and will help you find suitable options.

Q: When do we have to report?

Every year it is different. Please check the calendar section on the website for these dates. Click the following link to view the School Year Calendar