Sponsored Hires

Congratulations on your new appointment at ACS!

On behalf of ACS, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and look forward to working with you over the coming months and beyond. 

This portal has been designed to assist your transition to Jordan and ACS and provides a wealth of information that you can review at your leisure. 

Your principal will assign a curricular buddy to you who will help you prepare for your teaching assignment. They will most likely be in your department/section and will be able to answer questions you have regarding your teaching assignment, resources/textbooks, teaching materials/supplies, etc... 

Furthermore, the Superintendent will assign a faculty or staff member as a “Social Buddy.” The Social Buddy will help you find your way to your apartment, accompany you on those first outings to get acquainted with your new neighborhood, and answer your questions about Jordan, ACS outings, etc... The Social Buddy may be chosen based on various factors such as common interests, children of the same age, or living close to a new hire.

Please also feel free to contact me if you have any questions related to this site and/or your transition into Amman and ACS.

We look forward to having you as part of the community.

Warm regards, 

​Samar Dajani,
Director of Human Resources

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