Medical Insurance - Sponsored Hires

ACS provides each faculty member and his/her authorized residing dependents with a comprehensive worldwide medical insurance plan through TieCare International.

Medical coverage starts August 1. It would be in your best interest to request your current medical provider to extend your coverage until July 31.

By the end of July, you will receive both the insurance policy document and a digital copy of the ID card.

It is important that you provide a Certificate of Continuous Coverage as listed under Phase 2 of the Hiring Documents page. A letter from your current medical insurance provider, which verifies the length of your medical insurance coverage. Preexisting conditions will not be covered unless this document is provided.

In addition to the above, ACS provides a term life insurance policy with a value of two times the base salary.

Once you arrive in Amman you will have a medical examination for the purpose of obtaining your residence card. However, this is not a thorough medical examination, it is just blood work and a chest x-ray. This is completely separate from the employment medical requirements.

The admissions office will require immunization records for any authorized residing dependent children attending ACS.