Accommodation - Sponsored Hires

ACS will provide sponsored hired employees with semi-furnished or furnished apartments upon their arrival. It's important to note that all apartments in Amman vary in terms of features and amenities, making them appealing to different families for various reasons. The same diversity can be observed in different neighborhoods as well.

The school tries to follow the US Embassy size/per person guidelines and to make sure the places are in close proximity to the school. Most staff apartments are within a 10 - 15 minute drive to school. 

Upon arrival, you will receive a settling-in allowance for the purchase of essentials. During the orientation, we will provide you with opportunities to shop.

Sponsor-hired teachers will have a US$5, 000 utility allowance per year per house (water, gas). The school will make utility payments on behalf of the faculty member directly to the appropriate authorities.

Please note the linen and window covering measurements in Jordan are not the same as North American measurements. We recommend purchasing those items upon arrival.

Housing will be allocated late spring or early summer, once hiring has been completed and rental leases have been secured.